Council member


The Hellenic Republic (Greece) joined the Digital Cooperation Organization in January 2024.

Greece is undergoing a digital transformation as part of a multifaceted plan to fully digitize the country by 2025. The Ministry of Digital Governance is the driving force behind this undergoing transformation to reduce bureaucracy and simplify procedures.



Greece’s e Digital Transformation plan for 2020-2025 is documented in the “Digital Transformation Bible”, a structured, actionable, and measurable strategy that outlines the principles and framework that the government will use to facilitate the digitization of Greek’s society and economy.  The plan consists of 450 projects to speed up the digitization of the public and private sectors and boost Greece’s digital readiness.

The Digital Transformation plan incorporates a series of actions and projects organized into six distinct strategic axes (Connectivity, Digital Skills and Abilities, Digital Business Transformation, Digital Public Services, Digital Innovation, Utilization of Advanced Technologies). Special emphasis is placed on the utilization of emerging technologies for the development of advanced solutions.